Owning a split system air conditioner can help to make your life at home so much more comfortable and pleasant in the summer, and maybe even more productive as well. In addition, if you install reverse cycle air conditioning, you will also have the benefit of easy-to-use heating in the chilly winter months.

There are a few common myths regarding this type of air conditioning though. We take a look at how split systems work, and dispel some of the misconceptions about them.

How split systems work

As the name indicates, split systems are made up of two separate units which house the indoor and outdoor components. These two units are connected by pipes that transfer the refrigerant between them.

The indoor unit houses the fan and evaporator, while the condenser and compressor are outside. The system works by converting the refrigerant to a gas which causes it to absorb heat, in turn pulling in warm air from the room and expelling it outside. In reverse cycle mode, the opposite happens, and warmed air is transferred to the inside of the building.

This is a very efficient type of system for heating and cooling. Split systems also filter out contaminants and contribute towards improving the overall health of indoor air.

Six common misconceptions about these systems

This was certainly true for some time. However, these refrigerants are no longer used, and even the substances that replaced them are now being phased out in favour of even safer and eco-friendlier ones.

1.Refrigerated systems use gases that harm the ozone layer.

Not true. When buying an air conditioner, it’s important that it matches the space it is intended to heat and cool, taking into account room dimensions, ceiling height, number of occupants, and the level of insulation, glass, and shading. A unit that is too large for the space will waste energy, while one that is too small will not cool the room as it should.

2.Air conditioners cool any room to the same capacity.

There is no evidence for this, as these types of sicknesses are caused by viruses, not cool temperatures.

3.They can cause chills / colds / flu.

There is no evidence for this one either. Air conditioners do not have the capacity to reduce our body temperature to that extent.

4.They can cause hypothermia.

This is not the case – there is no extra cost involved in switching it off when not in use, and then on again when required. In fact, it would be more likely cost you a lot less if you turn it off during the day if no one is home.

5.Keeping the system running is cheaper than turning it off and on again.

This is not the case – there is no extra cost involved in switching it off when not in use, and then on again when required. In fact, it would be more likely cost you a lot less if you turn it off during the day if no one is home.

6.They increase dust and worsen allergies and asthma.

As we mentioned, air conditioners actually filter out contaminants such as dust, dust mites, and other indoor pollutants. However, to do this effectively, it’s important that your system is kept in top working condition and that the filters are cleaned according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

So there you have it. While these myths would suggest otherwise, split systems are actually an efficient and effective form of heating and cooling. If you would like to know more or get a quote on split system air conditioner installation in Melbourne, why not give us a call at Staycool?