Did you know that heating and cooling accounts for 40% of the average Australian household’s energy bills? Choosing the right cooling system for your home can help you not only mitigate some of that cost but also keep you comfortable in your home.
Depending on the size of your room or home, and on the local climate during the summer and spring seasons, you may benefit from a combination of several types of cooling options. Each come with their own benefits and costs, so it’s important to choose the one that has the right blend of factors for your home.
Opting for Evaporative Coolers in Melbourne
Evaporative coolers use a film of water on a filter or sponge, which then works to cool the air, and are an effective solution for the dry weather days which are such a big part of the Melbourne climate. The system works to bring in air from the outside, which means that evaporative coolers are cost-effective to purchase and run and use roughly less than half of the energy required by an air conditioning unit.
They are not quiet) and gives the homeowner control to calibrate the environment. Evaporative coolers are also perfect for those on a tight budget because they are not as mechanically complex as refrigerated systems, reducing the initial outlay and the running costs.
Split Systems
Split system air conditioners consist of a condenser, which is installed outside the house and a head unit, which is installed on the wall within the house. Split systems offer homeowners an individually-controlled climate in each room and include multi-head splits (with a condenser and more than one head unit) and reverse-cycle air conditioning.
Using Reverse-Cycle Air Conditioning in Melbourne
This is a popular option for those who want to rely on one unit for all their heating and cooling needs. Homeowners often choose reverse-cycle air conditioning units in Melbourne because they use less energy than other types of air conditioners.
However, they come with their own needs: They must be properly installed and maintained, otherwise they won’t run efficiently. Builders will have to make allowances within the design of the home in order to accommodate the installation of internal units.
High-density housing or apartments for example, may not be the ideal housing type for reverse-cycle air conditioning units in Melbourne, as there may not be enough space for the outdoor unit to be installed. Keep in mind that these types of cooling systems also need to have their filters constantly cleaned.
Multi-head splits
Homeowners choose multi-head splits when they need to cool the entire house but cannot run ductwork. Multi-head split systems are well-suited to townhouses and units with limited outdoor areas. Some models of multi-head split systems on the Melbourne market will also purify the air, keeping it free of dust and allergens.
So how do you know which to choose? Rooms that have no wall or ceiling insulation will need a greater capacity cooling system than an insulated room. Insulated areas retain heat in the winter and stave off heat in the summer, which means that having insulation in a room will also improve your cooling systems energy efficiency.
The type of cooling system you choose will also depend on the direction and size of your windows. West facing or east facing windows will heat up a room and affect the natural temperature. Obviously the larger the windows, the greater the intake of heat. Dressing these windows with coverings like blinds can help keep a window cool.
To find out more about the right cooling options for your Melbourne property, get in touch with our specialists at StayCool today.